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Crafton Tull

Modernizing a historic building

  • Location

    Fort Smith, Arkansas

  • SQ FT



    1 week

  • DIRTT Construction Partner

    EVO Business Environments

  • Architect

    Crafton Tull

  • Designer

    Michelle Dodroe and Michael Begneaud

  • General Contractor

    Beshears Construction

Image Credit: KES photo

After outgrowing their office, the engineers at Crafton Tull were looking for a new place to work. A historic building downtown closer to their clients provided the space. The DIRTT Construction System provided a way to add to it without taking away from the legacy architecture.

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Project Includes:

Using glass walls leveraged the natural daylight, sliding doors optimized the space, and writable surfaces unlocked creativity and collaboration. And because of DIRTT’s modular nature, the installation was quick, the historic elements of the building remained untouched, and if Crafton Tull needs to evolve the space in the future, the changes will be efficient.

The result is a signature space, completed on budget, that engages staff and impresses clients. “Everybody loves it,” says Michelle Dodroe, Vice President – Infrastructure, Crafton Tull. “It has checked all the boxes and everybody's happy. We've got space to move. We've got space to grow.”

(DIRTT) was the easiest part of the construction, honestly. It went up overnight. It was so fast and so perfect.

Michelle Dodroe

Vice President – Infrastructure, Crafton Tull



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    Your design is translated into DIRTT components. You’re empowered with real-time feedback to make faster decisions.



    With software connecting directly to DIRTT factories, every element of your DIRTT space is precision manufactured within 21 days.



    DIRTT components are rapidly installed on a clean job site with less waste.



    Your agile DIRTT space is built to evolve with you. DIRTT components embrace change for a future-friendly space.

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