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One Frost Tower

Step into the light

  • Location

    San Antonio, Texas

  • SQ FT


  • DIRTT Construction Partner

    Alfred Williams & Company

  • Architect

    Marmon Mok Architecture

  • General Contractor


Image Credit: Mark Menjivar

At Frost Bank, it’s not uncommon for staff to celebrate double-digit anniversaries. Ten years. Twenty years. Thirty years. It’s a testament to this longtime Texas financial institution and the way they treat their staff. As a bank, they create loyalty with customers. As a team, they encourage loyalty with their staff. That was the goal when they created the One Frost Building on the outskirts of San Antonio: A space that made people want to come to work.

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Project includes:

They did it by creating a place where nobody owned the light. Gone was an old-school design, where only a handful of people had a window. Instead, Frost made the most of their 360-degree view with an open concept. It gave everyone a fantastic view. Now natural light pours into the workspaces, huddle rooms, and phone pods, energizing hundreds of people who work there.

But there’s more. Integrated tech is used throughout. There are plenty of places to connect (literally and figuratively). Oh, and there’s a basketball court on the premises. All these touches help Frost Bank attract and — most importantly — retain.



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